Week Notes 2019.02
This was the first real week of the year here in Spain, and it was good to get back to work and the normal routine after the long break
- That said, Monday was still a school holiday, so I spent it with the kids. We went hiking and caught a lizard.
Final day of winter break here in Catalonia. We went for a walk and caught a lizard🦎 pic.twitter.com/h7XRO6AGSj
— Ed Freyfogle (@freyfogle) 7. Januar 2019
I shaved my moustache, which had - if I do say so myself - become quite impressive. I had been growing it since the train trip in July.
Spent some time researching, planning, and booking trip for the coming months. Most immediately, this week I am in London for #geomob (do come along), a GetAgent board meeting, and a few other meetings. Ping me if you want to meet up. I’m staying in Clerkenwell.
Also on the medium term agenda is a trip to Germany in February. Will visit a friend in Hamburg and then ICE it to Berlin for a few days.
In the spirit of getting back in the routine I made it to the gym every work day and got in one very good swim. Hoping to do more this week in London at Iron Monger Row.
I announced the first #geomobBCN which will happen on 30th of January. I’m really hopeful we can get the scene going here in Barcelona.
I had a lunch with start-up founder here in Barcelona. He is deep in the slog. Many successes but not yet broken out. In many ways this is the hardest stage of the journey.
It has gotten unusually cold here and apparently a blizzard is coming in a week or so.
went to a fun jazz guitar concert and then a nice dinner
Overall, happy to be back in the routine of work, and looking forward to London next week and #geomobBCN at the end of the month.