Well, as the title of this post shows I haven’t been particularly diligent in keeping up with the week notes, which is regrettable. No time like the present to address the situation though.

So, what have I been up to:

  • we had another #geomob, with the biggest turn out yet. As always a fun evening, not least because it’s almost impossible too predict ahead of time which speakers will be captivating and which won’t. Some people make seemly boring material fascinating, while others find a way to snatch rhetorical defeat from the jaws of victory. Anyhoo, if you haven’t been to #geomob yet, come along to the next one on the 13th of May.

  • workwise much of my effort continue to be spent on India, specifically on improving our geocoding. Slow but steady progress. It turns out India is a pretty chaotic place. We’re trying to hire reinforcements, which also consumes a lot of my time. It turns out if you’re lonely and want some email, just advertise a position in India on linkedin. You will get email. As we sort the wheat from the chaff though I’m hopeful we could find the right person to help lead our Indian efforts.

  • On the related front of total global domination, Nestoria Mexico will be launching soon, which is very cool as I am not working on the project at all. Very satisfying as a founder to see that the machine we’ve built can drive forward under it’s own momentum. Many congrats to all involved.

  • I’ll be heading to SOTM-EU in Karlsruhe in June. As a sponsor, but hopefully also as a speaker.

  • My daughter is now sitting up, which is huge.

There were tons of other little projects and errands: I’m winding down Zesta Punta (a subject worthy of its own post), I’ve found a flat in Berlin for the summer (Moabit FTW!), we extended our lease here in the Barbican, have a long awaited angel investment which may actually close soon, booked a few days of holiday in Südtirol for my wife’s birthday, was one of many to help contain an ebola outbreak with a little emergency mapping, had a few old friends pass through town, suffered the everyday stress of life with a 3-year old, and am generally living the good life. 

In the less pleasing side of the ledger, my attempts to revitalize my ruthless physical fitness regimen have not yet succeeded, and some asshole stole the front wheel off of my bike. My bike has a child seat on it. What sort of jerk steals from a bike with a child seat? I should note the wheel was locked. This was not spur of the moment vandalism, he cut through the lock. My bike is in no way remarkable, it is all about A to B. The used front wheel could not be worth more than £20 to the fucking savage who took it. Such is life in the big city

More soon.